Ministries >

Bible Study

Facilitator: Lisa Garner

Our new study is Romans using a LifeChange study guide.
The class is on Mondays at 10:00 a.m., held at church. The address is 200 West College Avenue, Devine, Texas 78016.

What does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection mean for my life, death, and resurrection?

    In Romans, Paul―one of Christianity’s first theologians―sets out to answer that question. Tracing numerous threads through the Old Testament, Paul shows how Jesus’ death on the cross draws together humanity’s collective failures and transforms them into a rich tapestry. Follow the threads and find your place in the story God is weaving.  

    This verse-by-verse study on Romans exposes God's path to righteousness and shows how people can be reconciled to God and transformed into the believers He means them to be. Sin, salvation, grace, death, and resurrection are life changing truths addressed in the study. Participants will gain a firm foundation of Romans, be able to apply relevant scripture to their lives, and build personal study skills.